Adult Bible Study

Sabbath school classes are the heartbeat of our church community. Each week we spend time learning from Scripture and from each other. Find the right class for you from the options listed below:
Adult Class: Teacher, Barry Cushman- Lesson Study & Discussion in the Sanctuary
Adult Class: Teacher, David Cushman- Lesson Study & Discussion in the Fellowship Hall
Adult Class: Teacher, Sunny Onyiri- Lesson Study & Discussion in the West Corridor Classroom
International Class: Teacher, Si Blue Tun- Lesson Study & Discussion in the LAA, Grade 7 & 8 Class
Young Adult Class: Bible Study & Lesson Discussion in the LAA, High School building
Our Sabbath school fellowship begins at 10:00 am. All classes begin promptly in their respective classrooms. A greeter will be happy to assist you in locating a classroom.