Devotional & Prayer requests

Walk by Faith

Monday, December 4, 2023
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Prepering for Eternal Life

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 -- {ML 342.1}

We are to live, not to elevate ourselves, but that we may, as God's little children, do to the very best of our ability the work that He has committed to us. It is our business to give a right impression to others. We are preparing for eternity, for the sanitarium above, where the Great Physician shall wipe away the tears from every eye, and where the leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the nation. -- {ML 342.2}

Let us all take hold of Christ Jesus by a living faith, and walk in humility of mind. Then the grace of God will be revealed in us, and we shall see of His salvation. We shall greet the holy family of the redeemed.... We shall touch our golden harps, and heaven will ring with rich music. We shall cast our glittering crowns at His feet and give glory to Him who has overcome in our behalf. -- {ML 342.3}

There may be some things here that we do not understand. Some things in the Bible may appear to us mysterious, because they are beyond our finite comprehension. But as our Saviour leads us by the living waters, He will make clear to our minds that which was not before clearly understood. -- {ML 342.4}

As I think of the future glory of heaven, I feel an intense desire that every living soul may know about it.... I long to hold Him up as the mighty Healer.... -- {ML 342.5}

It means much to us whether we are in pursuit of the heavenly things or of the earthly. The earthly will soon pass away. In these days there is great destruction of earthly treasures. There are "earthquakes in divers places," and trouble and difficulties are seen on every hand. But it is our privilege to be preparing to become members of the heavenly family, children of the heavenly King. -- {ML 342.6}

From My Life Today page 342.

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