Louisville First Women's Ministries

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Welcome to the Louisville First SDA Church Women’s Ministries. We invite you to take some time to learn how you can grow as a woman of Christ and care for other women in our community. That is what Women’s Ministry is all about, reaching and caring for others. It is vital that we reach out to women of all ages, helping them find identity and self-esteem in Jesus Christ.
Women's Ministry Leader: Lianne McConnell
Women's Ministry Assistant Leader: Heidi Ruckle
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General Conference of Women's Ministries
North American Division Women's Ministry Page
Women's Ministry of KY-TN Conference of SDA
Learn about Spiritual Gifts
Blanketing Your Husband with Prayer
North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists Women's Ministries
Vision Statement
The Women’s Ministries Department of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists exists to encourage, equip, promote, and challenge Adventist women in their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His Church and to bring women's unique perspectives to the issues facing the Church.
Declaración de la Visión
El Departamento del Ministerio de la Mujer de la División Norteamericana de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día existe para alentar, capacitar, promover, y desafiar a las mujeres Adventistas en su jornada como discípulas de Jesucristo y miembros de su iglesia, y para traer las perspectivas únicas de las mujeres a los asuntos que enfrenta la iglesia.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Women’s Ministries Department of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists is to model Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries. Our values and objectives are to:
Provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal
Elevate women as persons of worth
Address the concerns of women
Build networks among women
Mentor young women, teens, and girls
Promote opportunities for wider service for women
Challenge Adventist women to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory of God in the home, church, and community
Declaración de la Misión
La misión del Departamento del Ministerio de la Mujer de la División Norteamericana de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día es modelar a Jesucristo por medio de relaciones positivas y ministerios efectivos.
Nuestros valores y objetivos son:
Proveer oportunidades para que las mujeres profundicen su fe y vivan un crecimiento y una renovación espiritual
Ennoblecer a la mujer como una persona de valor
Tratar las inquietudes de las mujeres
Construir redes entre las mujeres
Ser mentoras a mujeres jóvenes, adolescentes, y niñas
Promover oportunidades para el servicio extenso de las mujeres
Desafiar a la mujer adventista a usar sus talentos y dones espirituales para la gloria de Dios dentro del hogar, la iglesia, y la comunidad